Dialektika Realitas Kemanusiaan Dan Hukum Al-Qur'an


  • Muhammad Erfan Politeknik Kotabaru Kalimantan Selatan



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Hukum Islam, teks, Konteks


From  the  fourth  traditional  Islamic  studies  that  have established, namely  fiqh  studies (ilm al-fiqh),  kalam  studies (ilm alkalam),  tasawwuf  studies (‘ilm al-tasawwuf),  and Islamic philosophy (al-falsafah or al-h}ikmah), Islamic law—known fiqh—is a dominant discipline in the Moslem comprehension about their religion.  In this  domain,  Islamic  law  is  a  piety  parameter  for  Moslem  in embodiment the value of such Quranic law. But, there is a fact that  the  values  of  Quranic  law  have  a  historical  dimension  of Arabic  community.  Therefore,  there  must  an  effort  to  uncover the  role  of  Arabic  tradition  toward  Quranic  law  productivity. Although  in  the  other  domain,  al-Qur‘an  is  a  transcendental word  of  Allah,  but  when  al-Qur‘an  have  manifested  in  Arabic life, and Arabic language is an official language of it, it‘s meant al-Qur‘an  is a part of  Arabic reality. Besides that, Qur‘anic  text has also growth in line with Arabic reality. Hence, Qur‘anic law which  derived  through  text  is  a  divine  respond,  universally  or partially, toward a reality in which there is a historical humanity of Arabic community.  Consequently, at the time is in outside of Arabic reality, Qur‘anic laws must be criticized and adjusted with such contemporary reality.




How to Cite

Erfan, M. (2012). Dialektika Realitas Kemanusiaan Dan Hukum Al-Qur’an. Asy-Syir’ah: Jurnal Ilmu Syari’ah Dan Hukum, 46(2). https://doi.org/10.14421/ajish.v46i2.49


