Bangunan Baru Epistemologi Keilmuan Studi Hukum Islam Dalam Merespon Globalisasi


  • M. Amin Abdullah Fakultas Ushuluddin, Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam (FUSAP) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta


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Epistemologi, Hukum Islam, Globalisasi


The  term  Maqasid  al-Syari’ah is closely linked to the Islamic Studies, especially in the field of the  study of Islamic law and Islamic jurisprudence. Some Muslim thinkers, like al-Syatibi (d. 766/1388) in his work al-Muwafaqat and al-Tufi (d.716/1316) in  his  Risalah  are  the  most  representative  of  them.  This  article
will  introduce  the  development  and  the  enrichment  of  Maqasid al-Syari’ah theory in  contemporary era via Jasser Auda‘s thought. A difference from the previous theory of Maqasid al-Syari’ah, this contemporary theory of Maqasid al-Syari’ah can only be understood and developed, if and only if the Islamic law thinkers can and be able to integrate two different  type of scientific approaches,  namely  Historical  approach  and  Philosophical approach  in  the  same  time.  Historical  approach  very  keenly alerts the development and the movement of concept, meaning and interpretation in the understanding of Islamic law from the traditional,  modern  to  post-modern era.  While  philosophical approach utilizes the  systems theory – a theory which is commonly used  in  the  sciences – in the operationalization  of  those conceptual  entities. This  systems  theory  involves  six  features, namely  cognition,  wholeness,  openness,  interconnectedness, multidimensionality, and purposefulness. In the language  of scientific and institutional transformation of IAIN (State Islamic Institute) to UIN (State Islamic University) in the Islamic higher education  in  Indonesia  around  the  year 2000th, this changing scientific  outlook  is  patently  well  known as integration interconnection of scientific discourse.




How to Cite

Abdullah, M. A. (2012). Bangunan Baru Epistemologi Keilmuan Studi Hukum Islam Dalam Merespon Globalisasi. Asy-Syir’ah: Jurnal Ilmu Syari’ah Dan Hukum, 46(2).


